“Back-to-School” lessons we can all learn

10 'Back-to-School' Snippets for Scholarly Business Owners

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Given the time of year, we thought it fitting to share some 'back-to-school' inspired lessons we could all do with learning!  Enjoy — the 'Back-to-School' Boost team! 

It’s time to knuckle down

So summer was fun and you got your dose of Vitamin D, some at home but most abroad (we guess!).  After your summer break I hope the batteries are recharged and there is a new energy in the air?  Now is an opportunity to get that autumnal back-to-school routine going from day one!  That’s great given the end of the calendar year is in sight.  How do we make a real impact within four months? It’s time to knuckle down… 

Help them take their first step  

Do you remember your first day?  So much anxiety (or was it anticipation?).  Either way, it was made easier by those around you as they dropped/dragged you to the classroom door!  It was their positivity, reassurance and belief in you that made it easier.  The same class rules apply now.  Lead by example, let them know its ok to fail and to fall – once they fail fast and bounce back up!

Routine, routine and routine 

Shirt ironed, shoes polished, lunch packed.  While routine can be difficult for many it can be a foundation for success.  A bedrock for discipline, conviction, commitment and perseverance, routine can help ensure the results you want have the best chance to spring and flourish quicker than the new year. So, what are those results you want?  What are the ‘routine items’ you need to put in place now to achieve them?

A well-rounded education

It’s not all about getting straight 'A's.  Many of the leading IT, tech and business leaders widely publicise the fact that they were not exactly straight 'A' students.  But school thought them softer skills such as social capability, relationship building, teamwork and goal setting.  What are the hard and soft skills that you and your company need to learn?  What lifelong skills will change your company forever to ensure growth is your expected result?  

The importance of sleep

10.30pm is bedtime.  06.30 am is rise.  Many of the successful MDs and CEOs we work with are easily tempted to burn the candle at both ends.  But they don’t fall into the trap.  Successful leaders are present and full of energy – nearly all of the time!  Grumpy mornings, late evenings and sleepless nights don’t make for a good team and work atmosphere. 

Back to School Inspired Snippets for Scholarly Business Owners August 2019

A grind

You cannot be great at every subject so don’t be too hard on yourself.  We all look back and remember how that grind or extra class by our committed teachers contributed to us achieving the results we wanted.  Some would argue it was life changing.  Maybe it is time to look for a little guidance for yourself or the company from that trusted teacher or advisor.  Fancy a cuppa?

Stand up and be counted

While in the early years we might need to give a lot of help and support there comes a time when the student needs to take responsibility and stand on their own two feet.  In our business lives we need to create the environment to let our staff stand up, take responsibility and be accountable.  We cannot become the bottleneck of the company. We need to build a team and let them share in the journey and the success.  We all need to stand up and be counted.   

Let them fly

It is important not to forget why we send children to school - the importance of helping them to grow and reach their full potential.  Similarly, in the business world it is important not to lose sight of the fact of why we are in the business in the first instance, what do we want to achieve in the long term?  Best this is done closer to day one than at graduation (or retirement!).  What is the company plan, what your plan, what is their plan?  Most of us spend a minimum of one third of our time on the earth working.   How is your working day, weeks, months and years relevant to your existence?

Chill at the weekend

For the best results you need to have the right work life balance. You need time to sharpen the saw.  You can’t burn the candle at both ends and expect long lasting results. You will only burn out way before your time.  Enjoy the journey.  The destination will come.

The best days of their lives

The majority of us would look back on our school days and agree that they were the best days of our lives.  Make the journey for you and your staff as enjoyable as possible.  Being able to look back with fondness is worth its weight in gold.

Joe O’Reilly is Managing Director with www.boostyoursales.ie, a sales, marketing and business mentoring services company for growth-focused IT and tech services companies in Dublin, Leinster and beyond! 

Apple and ABC photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash. Pencil sharpening photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash